Janine Manatis ACTOR/DIRECTOR - "AFTER THE AXE" - *Oscar
Nomination - Docudrama - (Lead Actress)
- "I, MAUREEN" - (Feature) FIRST Film directed
by a woman at Toronto Film Festival (TIFF), 3 Genie Noms, Cannes Film Festival. Introducing Michael Ironside
- (Director) Nominated New York Film Festival
- "GOLDENROD" (MOW) Director/Writer. Adaptation Herbert
Harker Novel NBC
- "THE
TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGIN' " (Director docu Series) CBC
- "OTTAWA VALLEY" (Director/Writer) Adaptation Alice
Munro Short Story CBC
- "IN
A FAR COUNTRY" ** (Director/Writer) Adaptation Jack London Short Story, Starring Robert Carradine and Scott Hyland
- "I'M
GETTING MY ACT TOGETHER…" *** (Director, Stage) Starring Judith Landers, 3 years running, Toronto, 3 Dora Awards
- "KEY EXCHANGE" (Director, Stage) Starring Mark
Harmon and Diana Scarwid (Oscar winner)
is by no means a complete list. Little
known fact: Janine was a regular on "All My Children" in the early 1960s. She played the part
of a young waitress whom the main character had a crush on. Anyone remember the names?! Contact us. For more on Janine's beginnings
as an Actor, Director and Writer (including Moderator of the Playwrights' Unit) go to the Actors' Studio page.