Janine Manatis

Farewell, dear Friend, Janine

JANINE MANATIS - passed away October 13, 2019

It is with regret that we announce the passing of a woman who touched our lives in numerous unimaginable ways, as teacher, mentor, friend, student.

I met Janine in 2003 as an actress in the Toronto area. We met almost weekly and worked together on auditions and on her many projects, including her beloved book "Actors Exercises for Everybody!" which is an e-book website (see www.actorsexercisesforeverybody.com). Her stories lit her up, of times at the Actors Studio NY, and doing her Ensemble work in Toronto, not to mention working with her many students around the world. She was friends with the late James Baldwin who encouraged her to write, and so we endeavoured to get down some of her genius, which only scratches the surface here. Unfortuantely, she ran out of time. But her memories are now some of our memories of her, and the one thing I will not forget is the way she laughed, the greatest laugh, and said, "Oh.... that is sooo good." To laugh, greater than anything else, any other revelation perhaps, will stay with me for a lifetime.

Janine taught authenticity. She taught you to be yourself, without apology. She was bold, unapologetic, fierce and tender as a baby lion. Yes! That was her brilliance and beauty. Her fragility and her fear. She knew the importance of a moment and would not let you forget it - she would demand that you pay attention, that you understand, that you are clear. In acting, as in life. She made me a better person. She made me a more compassionate friend.

I cannot spin a tale like Janine, nor will I try. Her memory and her spirit lives on in those who knew her. From her cup we drank deeply.

I pray now she is in peace, and as I remember her, laughing with bright and gentle eyes, dazzled by the beauty of a moment shared in authenticity, bravery and hey, with a little style.

I saw her in a dream last week... she looked up at me with a smile and her face was bright and beautiful. She looked timeless and happy. Talking, and laughing.

God Bless You, Janine 

May You Live in Peace and be Happy, wherever you are.

Much Love,


April 09 Newsletter: "YES, YOU CAN!" (web page)

"YES, YOU CAN!"  contains "Spotlight" of actors/writers/directors Janine has coached and mentored over the years, "Publishing News" of her forthcoming book "Actors' Exercises for Everybody" and more... 


NEWS will be sent out occasionally on working actors/writers/directors Janine has worked with under "Spotlight" and "Publishing News" of the Book, "Actors' Exercises for Everybody" including free EXERPTS and publication updates. Occasional/Monthly.


Copyright 2009-2011 - Janine Manatis