THE SOUL MIND (6th Sense/Intuition)
The Sixth Sense builds on the first five. All the sensory knowledge opens the way to the sixth sense, intuition,
which I all Soul Knowing or Soul Mind. That's where this knowledge is born and developed, so that the more we develop the
five senses, the more in touch and in tune we will become with our intuitive sense or Soul Mind.
I had been going to my granddaughter's art
classes in LA called "Mission Renaissance" run by two young people, Monica and Nick, who I thought were
phenomenal teachers with marvellous gifts, and they had their concept of "Today's Win". Each child hauled
up their picture, this tree etc. And this one day a shy little boy, 4 or 5 years old, said "See that Little Blue Dot?...(see full story)
"The more faithfully you listen to the voice within you, the better
you will hear what is sounding outside. And only she who listens can speak."
Hammarskjold, "Markings"